I love a bit of embroidery in the evenings lately, I find it a super relaxing way to switch my brain off whilst watching the TV. Something that I'm really loving is prepping my design using my Cricut machine and the Cricut fabric pen, it means I can draw out super intricate designs with my machine straight onto the fabric for me to stitch up, almost like creating my own embroidery kit!

-Cricut Maker https://shrsl.com/353a5 or Explore Air 2 https://shrsl.com/353b8
-Cricut Fabric Pen https://shrsl.com/353lo
-Fabric mat https://shrsl.com/353kq
-Embroidery hoop, Thread and Needle.
First, choose your design and add it to the canvas in Cricut design space, You'll want to resize the design to fit your embroidery hoop.
If you haven't already chosen a drawn design or text with a writing style, make sure to select all of your design and change the line type to draw-then choose the fabric pen from the drop-down menu.
Load your fabric onto the pink fabric mat, use a brayer to smooth out your fabric and make sure it is well stuck down. Load the mat into the machine and choose the type of material you are using as your setting. You may want to move the design on the mat screen so that it isn't at the very edge of your fabric.
Load the washable fabric pen into the accessory port on your machine, making sure it clicks into place.
Next, start the machine, and watch it draw out your design onto the fabric.
Once complete, remove unload form the machine and remove the fabric from the mat.
Next, add your fabric into your embroidery hoop and start sewing along the drawn lines.
Once finished, carefully wash your design with water to remove the pen lines.
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