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Emma Jewell

I adore making a new advent calendar for my family every year, Its one of my fave parts of the lead up to December. After my decadent hanging chandelier advent calendar last year I knew I had to try and top it with something just as grand.

I love making things with card and paper, so set about thinking up how I could make something special with a woodland theme to hold my advent treats. In the end I decided on using my Cricut machine to make woodland animals that can carry little presents on their backs.

If you haven't got a Cricut machine, you could always use a pair of scissors to create something similar as long as you have enough animals, a sturdy card and some glitter paper you are good to go!

You will need:

-Black card

-Cricut Explore or scissors!

- Glitter Paper


-Glue Gun

-Coloured sweets and Chocolates

Step one:

Cut out the animal shapes and small boxes, using this link to the design space canvas ( You will need two of each animal. I also cut out a selection of tree boxes to make up the numbers so I didn't need so many animals!

Step Two:

Glue a box together, then glue an animal shape to either side. This will enable your animal to stand up by its self and give you a place to stash your treats!

Step Three:

Cut out the 24 letter tags using coloured Glitter paper. Use this link to take you to the design space canvas (

Use twine to tie these around the animals necks.

Step Four:

Assemble and fill your tree boxes. Fill them with treats before glueing up so that the treat is hidden inside. Then tie the twine and number tag around the tree so that it hangs at the front.

Step Five:

Fill each of the animals backs with a selection of treats, the more colourful the better!

Step Six:

Assemble your woodland scene to get ready for the first day of December! Then enjoy finding the woodland friend who is looking after your treat every day in December!


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