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Exciting News!!!

Emma Jewell

Hello, It's time to share my exciting news with you all!

I'm starting a craft revolution!!! For a while now I'm becoming increasingly annoyed at that lack of uncool craft supplies I can buy in the UK, Yes there's some really cool brands like Trimcraft and my lovely friends Sticker Kitten, but I'm constantly feeling like lots of the stuff I see lining the shelves is aimed at an older lady crowd, which I'm just not feeling.

Honestly, I've been struggling to find cool stuff to pop in the box for a few months now and that's not why I started The Glittery Hands Box, my mission was to send out cool sassy craft supplies, so I'm taking control and will be making a big change this month!!

In March I'll be making two big changes to The Glittery Hands Box.

The first being a name change!!! From March the 1st The Glittery Hands Box and my Blog Emma Jewell Crafts will be merging to all become Emma Jewell Crafts-One big sassy glittery place to find everything that's going on here.

The box will continue as The Emma Jewell Crafts Box as it has done with no changes except for......

The biggest and most exciting change of all!!!! I'm releasing my own range of craft supplies. Mic drop.

WHHHHHHAATTTTT! I know super exciting, I can't find what I want so I'm making it myself-let's make this craft world cooolllll hey glitter kittens!!

I'll be releasing a collection on the 1st of March in my new online shop ( Whatttt!!) Then each collection will be exclusive to box subscribers before becoming available a whole month later in the shop. You will find a new collection inside the March Box, If you subscribe between the 2nd of feb and the 1st of March You can get that box!!

I am so super excited to share all of this with you!!!!!! I'll be Sharing more in the next month, so keep your eyes peeled!


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