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Emma Jewell

DIY Sassy surprise eggs! These are the perfect DIY to give to your grown up friends so they don't feel like they are missing out on all of the treats this easter!

I picked up these holographic fillable plastic eggs in Hobbycraft this year, in a massive pack for only a couple of pounds. Although they looked super cute already, I wanted to make them extra sassy! So I used my cricut to adda little extra something to them!

You will need:

-Holographic eggs

-Glittery Vinyl

-Cricut Machine

-Treats to pop inside the eggs!

Step One:

Pick some quotes and sayings to use, I went for "You're a good egg" "Chicks Rule" and my personal fave " How do you like you eggs? Umm in a cake?" LOL.

Pop them into Design Space and pick a cool font- I used this disco inspired one.

Step Two:

Cut out the sayings using your machine -It's worth mentioning that although I would 100% recommend that you get a cricut machine I know not everyone has access to such craft greatness, so you could always use letter stickers to create the same effect!

Then stick the sayings on to the front of your eggs.

Step Three:

Fill the eggs with goodies then give to your pals, or hide for a eggtacular hunt!


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