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DIY Crafty Babe Notebook | Cricut

Is anyone else a massive sucker for a cute notebook? I am constantly trying to stop myself from buying more notebooks I don't need, I just love a good notebook!

Because of this affliction, I feel I have to make sure every notebook I buy is perfection! So when I picked up this holographic notebook last week, I knew I had to make it a little bit more personal to justify adding it to my collection!

I decided to use the Cricut holographic vinyl (which by the way is the most beautiful vinyl I have ever laid my eyes on!) and my Cricut to cut out something extra special and personal to put on the front of this holographic beauty. There can never be enough holographic right?

I used the Paddington font for 'Crafty Babe', It's my current go-to font for EVERYTHING! Then I found this cute set of craft tools in the Design space library. Which I cut up and placed randomly around my words to make a really adorable crafty front cover.

It's super hard to show how gorgeous this holographic vinyl is on camera, as it just wants to show up as copper. But it's a full on pinky holographic delight!

What are you using your Cricut machine to customise?

* This post contains affiliate links.


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