I've compiled a list of Cricut gifts for the Cricut lover in your life. These are aimed at owners of The Cricut Maker, or would make perfect gifts to go alongside the Maker!
If you are struggling to pick a gift, I'm sure any of the items in this list would be loved by your Cricut addict, But if in doubt picking out some materials like Iron-on and Vinyl will always go down a treat!
CRICUT FOIL TRANSFER KIT: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Foiltransferkit https://amzn.to/2ER4hUS
CRICUT FOIL SHEETS:cricut-emea.pxf.io/Foiltransfersheetsamplerjewel https://amzn.to/2Gjdsyb
CRICUT XL SCRAPER TOOL:cricut-emea.pxf.io/ExtraLargeScraper https://amzn.to/3n9SXVe
CRICUT BRAYER SET: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Brayer https://amzn.to/2GxmFm5

CRICUT TRUE CONTROL KNIFE: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Truecontrolknifeblue https://amzn.to/33oEhtw
CRICUT FINE POINT BLADE REPLACEMENTS: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Finepointreplacementblades2 https://amzn.to/2SntCZC
EASY PRESS MINI:cricut-emea.pxf.io/Easypressminiraspberry https://amzn.to/3ikEWR7
EASY PRESS MAT: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Esypressmat12x12 https://amzn.to/2EWW8OW
CRICUT ULTIMATE FINE PEN SET:cricut-emea.pxf.io/Ultimatefinepointpenset https://amzn.to/2GtOrjw
CRICUT GLITTER GEL PEN SET: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Glittergelbasicpenset https://amzn.to/2ESCROu

CRICUT FABRIC PACK-Sweet Prairie: cricut-emea.pxf.io/Fabricsamplersweetprairie https://amzn.to/3cOgbvs
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